yeah .. you came to right place .. but for every engineer .. it's really important to have a perfect love life .. so .. I'm gonna give you some information about girls ..and how to use them ;)
I took the writing from web and you gonna see that it's pretty amazing how easy to do thoose kind of things ..
To illustrate how important the subject of handling women
is just look at the divorce rate. A study of the divorce rate
states that 50% of marriages fail and within 20 years or so
it will probably be 75%, I will state here and now (a lot of
women will love me for this and a lot of men will hate me
but it's true) but I really feel that when a marriage or relationship fails it's the mans fault in over 90% of the
cases. He does not know how to handle his wife or
girlfriend; he does not know how to make her happy. He
takes her for granted and ignores her.
The other day a guy who bought one of my manuals on
meeting women through personals called me and asked me
the following. He wanted to know why no women would
stay interested in him. Every woman he met would lose
interest in him after the first or second date. I explained to
him a few simple rules of holding women, the same rules
you will learn, and he now has no trouble. Another guy
wanted to know why all women would refuse to dance
with him when he asked. After I questioned him I realized
that he was making a basic mistake nearly all men make
when they ask a girl to dance.
I had calls from hundreds of guys who have had problems
with women. It is so easy to have dozens of women in love
with you and interested in you that you will be surprised
why you ever had trouble. Men make so many mistakes
with women that it's sad to see them unhappy and
miserable when there is no reason for it. Women are a joy
to know and a joy to spend time with and if only guys
would apply a little know how they could have all the
women they want. You will have all the women you want
when you get through with this manual.
Why You Should Listen To Me
It's so easy for someone to tell you that they can teach you
all there is to know about women and how to handle them.
But why should you listen to me? Who the hell do I think I
am that I should consider myself an expert? Well let roe
tell you what I am not. I am not the kind of guy I am not
good looking; in fact I am very homely. Before I knew
how to handle women I was a complete failure with all
kinds of women. I was the kind of guy who couldn't make
out with a woman even if I paid them a hundred dollars.
That was true until a few years ago, but today things are
quite different.
In high school I was very shy. I rarely dated girls and could
never muster up the courage to ask a girl for a date. The
few dates that I did have were blind dates arranged by my
friends. I had a miserable life in high school as far as girls
were concerned. I met my ex wife quite by accident
through a wrong number I dialed one day on the phone. By
some miracle I got to know her on the phone and made a date. We dated nearly four years and finally got married.
That was the biggest mistake I ever made in my life. I was
22 years old and she was the only girl I ever dated. If by
chance you meet a woman and want to get married please
take my advice and don't do it unless you dated at least a
hundred women. Too many guys get married today and all
they dated were a few women. How could they know if
this girl is for them unless they see what other women are
We were married for ten years and had three kids. Many
times during those ten years I used to daydream what a
great lover I could be if only I wasn't tied down to a wife
and kids. I felt that I had missed a lot by getting married so
young and never having a chance to enjoy being a
bachelor. I believed I could really have a ball if only I was
single. Finally my chance came.
After ten years of marriage, I was divorced and I suddenly
found myself a 32 year old unmarried man. Now I was
ready to live the great single life that I had heard so much
about, I was ready to meet dozens of girls and sleep with as
many as I could. I was a virgin when I got married and
wanted to make up for all that I had missed. I was raring to
go. A single friend of mine told me about what great
success he had in meeting girls in a certain singles bar. I
decided to go with him the following Friday.
After we got to the bar I had a few drinks and was ready to
try to pick up some girls. That night I struck out with every
girl I tried to pick up. I approached ten girls that night and
struck out with every one of them. That was the story of
my life for the next seven years. I wanted to give up on
girls completely. I met a guy who told me about meeting
girls through personal ads and decided to try that method. I
had tried meeting girls in bars and failed. This would be
After a few weeks of answering and inserting personal ads
I came upon a formula for meeting women and it worked. I
even wrote two manuals on meeting women through
personals. You may have one or both of them. I had
arranged to meet a dozen women for coffee whom I met
through the First few ads I placed. I really felt they would
like me and keep dating me if I wanted because I had sold
myself through my letters and phone calls. But a certain
pattern emerged. Out of all the women I met and dated not
one of them wanted to dale me a second time. I was doing
something wrong and had no idea what it was. I placed
more ads and met more women but the problem of holding
their interest was still there. What could I be doing wrong?
I was more depressed than ever. Here I could meet girls
but what was the use if they would not date me more than
I decided to try something different the next time I dated a
girl to see if it would change anything. Boy was I shocked.
One little detail and all the girls were interested in dating
me again. This little known detail is what I call the "D"
technique and it is dynamite. I will explain it in detail a
little later.
I decided to learn everything there was to know about
women and I started by questioning all the women I could.
I talked to nearly a hundred women about what works with
them in holding their interest with guys. They were very
helpful; especially when they found out I would publish a
manual for men on how to handle women. They felt men
could use all the help they could get, they all agreed the
"D" technique was great and gave me loads of other advice
that you will learn about in this manual.
Today when I'm at home it's by choice since I have some
of the most beautiful women in my life now. There is no
more loneliness for me. It took me several months to learn
how to handle women. But I did learn and what I learned
works. Once I found out what to do I changed from a
lonely and unhappy guy to a guy who makes out with the
kind of gorgeous women most guys can only dream about.
You will learn the secrets I discovered in handling
beautiful women. And if you follow my advice within days
you can start meeting and dating some of the best looking
girls in the world.
With Women
I've had hundreds of calls from guys in the last Few years
asking me what is the matter with women. They were
having terrible luck. They could not keep relationships
going at all. Most of them were even having trouble getting
a second date with most women. They wanted to know
why women act the way they do. Some of them had such
bad luck that they wanted to give up completely. This
would have been the biggest mistake they could ever
make. So many of them begged me to write a manual on
handling women. So here it is guys. Read it and be
prepared for a radical change in your social life.
Men Lose A Woman After A Few
I can state here and now that one of the reasons women
lose interest in men after a few dates is that they are bored.
Most guys take a girl to a movie, then dinner and maybe a
few drinks. They follow the same pattern date after date
after date. No wonder women get bored. You must take a
woman on a date that is different and unique if you really
want to impress her Women like men who are special.
They remember them better and have fantasies and
daydreams about them. If you're not that good looking and
want to win over women from almost any other man then
take her out on a magical memorable date. If you get a first
date with a woman the way to keep her coming back for
more and more is to take her out on a spectacular date. And
the worst place to go on a First date is the movies. How
can you get to know a girl in a dark movie theatre? Some
of the very best places to take a woman on the first date are
the following:
Take her dancing
− One of the biggest complaints that I hear from women is
that men don't like to dance. If you can dance you are way
ahead of most guys. Most women love to dance. If you ask
a woman out and tell her you want to lake her dancing she
will be more eager to go out with you. Why? Because most
men ask a girl out to the movies and she rarely gets asked
dancing so she will consider it a real treat. Women say that
men who like to dance are more sensuous and exciting. A
sexy girl once told me that men who like to dance arc
better in bed and more fun to go places with and do things
Besides when you are dancing with a girl you have a good
reason to touch her and hold her close. I cannot describe
the wonderful feeling you can have while holding a girl on
the dance floor that excites you and appeals to you. But
don't just slow dance, fast dance also. Have you ever gone
to a singles bar where they have a band? How many times
do you see two women fast dancing together? That is
because most guys do not fast dance. When women know
you can fast dance they will be extremely eager to get to
know you and date you. Let's hear what Roger has to say
about dancing.
− "I was really a lousy dancer. When I went to a singles
bar I would usually just stand there against the wall with a
drink. Whenever I wanted to meet a girl I would usually
walk over and mumble to her about buying her a drink.
90% of the time I would be turned down. One Friday night
I was at my favorite bar watching the sexy girls dancing. I
kept watching this one girl. Man was she beautiful. I could
not take my eyes off her. She had long blonde hair and a
build that wouldn't quit. I watched her for hours. Not one
guy ever asked her to dance. She sat out every slow dance
and danced most of the fast dances with her girlfriend.
When the band announced it was the last song I decided to
take a chance and ask her to dance. I walked over and said,
"Would you like to dance?" She said yes which shocked
the hell out of me. When we were on the dance floor I held
her tight (it was a slow dance) and was as nervous as hell. I
was shaking because she felt so good in my arms and I
could smell her perfume. It was like an aphrodisiac to me. I
don't know what gave me the courage but I asked her if she
would go out with me. I told her we would go dancing and
have a good time. She told me that no guy had ever asked
her out dancing before and that she would be thrilled.
I took her out the following Friday night and we had the
most fun I ever had on any date. She told me that she
would remember our first date forever because most guys
just took her to a movie and then home. We dated nearly
three months and finally she moved out of town because
she got a job transfer. But she did tell me that the main
reason she went out with me was because I asked her to go
dancing. She was so beautiful that my confidence soared in
meeting other women and I now know most women love
to dance and dancing would break the ice on the First date.
Asking a girl to go dancing increased my chance of getting
a date with her 100%.
her to an amusement park − This is a real fun date. Offer
to take a girl to an amusement park and you will almost be
guaranteed a yes answer when you ask her out. I would
like to have Richard tell you about an amusement park
date. Before he does I would like to add here that many of
my manuals include a lot of case histories. That is because
when many of these guys talk to me I feel it would be so
much more personal to include their actual words in my
manual. I feel that they could get the point across better
than I. Do you like this practice? Write and let me know. If
you have any good experiences in meeting and dating
women write and let me know. I might include it in my
next manual. On to Richard.
− "I was at a singles bar one night feeling sorry for myself
as usual. I just could not meet any women. My buddy was
there with me and he made contact with a good looking
girl. I thought how lucky he was. He came over to me and
told me that the girl he met had a girlfriend and asked if I
would like to meet her. I was really interested but I didn't
know what to say to her so I asked him what she looked
like. He told me that she was a fox and wanted someone to
dance with. I reluctantly agreed to meet her but I was
positive that she wouldn't like me.
When my buddy brought her over to introduce her to me, I
was shocked speechless. She was a real beauty. Her name
was Laurie and she looked like an angel that dropped from
heaven. She had long dark hair and beautiful sparkling
eyes. My buddy left her alone with me and went off
dancing with the girl he was with.
Laurie was real sweet but I didn't know what to say to her.
I was an avid talker with guys but here with this beautiful
girl I was speechless. It's a good thing the bar was closing.
I wanted to see Laurie again so I asked her out. At first she
hesitated, but I blurted out "Maybe we can go to Disney
Her face lit up just like a kid who had been told that Santa
Claus was coming. Her entire tone changed. She was so
excited. Though she had lived in Florida a couple of years
she had never been to Disney World. She said that she
would be thrilled to go.
That Saturday was one of the best days in my life. We
went on most of the rides, even the ones mostly for kids.
We were like two kids that day having the best time of our
lives. Laurie said that it was the best date she ever had.
Laurie and I have been dating about six months now.
Recently she told me that she would never have got to
know me if I didn't take her to Disney World that day. She
wasn't going to go out with me because I seemed dull and
boring. Asking her to go to Disney World broke the ice.
She told me very few guys would take a girl to an
amusement park and when they did they had a very good
chance of winning a girl's heart.
All women like the little boy in a man. Show her this little
boy and you'll be surprised at the results. Don't be like
every other guy and take her to dinner and a movie. Be
different and you'll have more women than you can handle.
Other places you can take a date to make it unforgettable
are some of the following — take her on a Sunday picnic, a
picnic is very romantic and she'll remember it for a long
time. How about a helicopter ride? − That’s different and
Bring her a present on the first date. She'll view your
generosity as a sign of love, of caring, of giving. Try it.
Next time you arrive to pick her up see how excited she is
because you've brought her a box of candy, a card you
thought was funny or some flowers.
Do the above and I guarantee you won't be sorry. You will
be amply rewarded.
Mistake Men Make On Their First
You may be shocked at the material in this section but I've
talked to hundreds of women and they are in agreement
that men are too aggressive, too pushy, especially on the
first date. According to most women, men act like
sex−crazed idiots, like a dog in heat. This goes hand in
hand with the "D" technique, which I will describe in the
next section. A lot of good−looking women expressed the
same attitude as Tina did.
— "I just don't understand men. They all think that they
have to act like some kind of macho he−man to win over a
woman. I met this real nice guy at a singles dance one
night. His name was Jim and he came across as a sincere
nice person. He asked me for a dale and I agreed. He
wasn't that good looking but he seemed to have a real nice
He picked me up for our date and right away I noticed a
difference. Women know. In the car he seemed to be
leering at me, as if he was undressing me with his eyes. He
looked as if his tongue was hanging out and he kept
panting like a dog in heat. I couldn't believe that this was
the same guy who I had met a few days earlier.
He took me to a movie and put his arm around me. That
was nice and romantic but he started kissing me on my ear,
which was a real turnoff for two reasons. It was too soon
after I met him and it was in a crowded movie theater. He
was also breathing hard like he was extremely worked up
and raring to go.
We went to a singles bar afterwards and that was even
worse. I love to dance but not with him. We danced a few
slow dances and that was enough. On the dance floor he
was humping me as we danced. It was crude and vulgar. I
was embarrassed and humiliated. I felt as if I was being
raped on the dance floor.
I finally told him that I didn't feel well and had to go home.
At the door he asked if he could come in for a drink or a
cup of coffee. What nerve! I told him to go to hell and
slammed the door in his face, He called me many times
after that but I would never go out with him again. Where
are all the nice, courteous, romantic men? Practically every
guy I meet expects sex on the first date. I want to be
courted in the old fashioned romantic way. Maybe it's just
a dream. There are no nice guys around."
It's a shame that Tina feels I hat way. There are a lot of
nice guys around but most of them are misguided as to
how to treat a woman on the first date. A woman is not a
piece of meat. She's a wonderful person with feelings.
A lot of books I read on meeting women say to move fast,
that women like it when a guy moves fast. This is total
B.S. Do not feel that every lime you take a woman out it
must end up in a heavy love making session, especially on
the first date. Ignore some of the advice you may have
heard about speeding up when you're with a woman. A
woman today wants a man who is different and unique.
Show her some consideration and respect especially on the
First date. You will rarely seduce a girl by being too horny.
The more desperate you seem for sex, the less a woman
will want to have sex with you.
For a woman nothing is more important than having a man
take his time. Usually this is not what a woman runs into.
Most men bombard women with sexual demands. If they
don't come right out and ask the woman to go to bed with
them, they usually act sullen and withdrawn until the girl
agrees to give them what they want. This is a real turnoff
because most women read this as sexual anxiety and
insecurity. It's a real turnoff.
A slow pace is what the skilled lover takes. When he
finally decides to have sex the woman is a very willing
target. The advantages of taking your time are numerous.
You are different from the hundreds of men stampeding
after sex. Taking your time implies to a woman that you're
a skilled lover, whether you are or not. It allows you to get
to know a woman in a relaxed way so when you do make
love to her it will be very exciting and wonderful. In the
world of winning with women, it is one of the best
techniques there is.
This is very important. Don't push and push a girl to have
sex. This goes hand in hand with the "D" technique, which
I consider dynamite in winning women. Use the "D"
technique and be prepared for hoards of women to fall in
love with you.
this will contionue .. dont worry ;)
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